As with most things in life, a security system requires some TLC. Without it, it will end up tired, old and eventually defunctional. If this sounds like your security system and you need it working again, then please feel free to get in touch with us. Most systems can be brought back to life by finding the fault and replacing that single part.
Below are some reasons why an intruder alarm may have developed faults:
- The backup battery may need to be replaced.
- There could be an open tamper on one of your detectors.
- The transformer could have gone on your control panel.
- There could be a fuse blown.
- A spider may have made its way inside one of your detectors.
- There could be a cut cable somewhere.
- Your external sounder may have stopped working due to weather elements.
All of these problems are fairly easy to find and will cost a whole lot less than a complete Security System Repairs and installation to resolve.
Changing an old external sounder to a nice new modern Delta Bell will give the effect (from outside your property) of a completely new system and would hopefully be enough to make a burglar move on elsewhere.
We also provide complete Security System Repairs for fire alarms, CCTV systems, access control and door entry systems.
If you have an old security system that has seen better days and no longer functions, Contact us and we can see how we can help you.