Security Around The Holidays


Ways to Improve Security Around The Holidays
The season of indulgence is upon once again. Each and every year in the UK each home dive feet first into some kind festivities or religious holiday. One of the biggest holidays our homes look forward to is Christmas. Christmas is one of the biggest days in the UK’s calendar in which the average amount each household spends across this period is in the region of ?500.00 to ?1.300 on presents, electricals, gifts, food, drink, clothing and many more purchases.
This spending can see a huge increase with many sales on boxing day and in the early new year. With this influx on spending and storing gifts in our homes, these become huge targets to would-be thieves looking to ruin your end of year fun. Security around the holidays is vitally essential to make sure if you are a target, your home is as secure as it can be.
Even though having insurance on your home seems to be more of a conclusion rather than a preventative measure to ensuring your home is secure around the holidays, I feel it has some importance on our home and contents. Having good cover which will allow for any additional shopping or spending around the festive period, will help ensure your home is secure and any new purchases for friends and family. We can never foolproof home security measures but covering yourself in case the worst-case scenario happens, is always a good step to take.
Use deterrents
Deterrents such as ?beware of the Dog? signs, lights on at the front and rear of the house, a radio playing or TV whilst you are out, having neighbours pop into your property whilst you are out, etc, allows good deterrents to stop your home is marked as a potential home to burgle.
If you create the deterrent that someone is at home or present on the property even though you are not home, will send a clear message and stop your property becoming an obvious target.
In 2018, we have far surpassed an era where technology was not part of our everyday lives. Security is one of those things which has become such a popular way to stop our homes becoming a target.
Take for example CCTV. CCTV has been around for many years but with the use of smart CCTV, we can be pinged to mobile devices when any moment is made across a camera allowing us to make a judgment call to contact authorities. Another shining example of technology protecting our home are smart doorbells with call functions using cameras allowing you to answer your door, even if you’re not at home
To protect your home during the festive period it is important that your home security is taken care of properly to make sure you do not become a target. At Link alarms, we can complete a security check and help to advise improvements on security.
Filed under: Alarms & CCTV Systems
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