How to prevent fires in the home during summer

5 ways to prevent fires in the home during summer
As Britain basks in the summer heat (some of the time anyway!), the rise in temperature can have a potentially deadly side-affect ? house fires.
Responsible for numerous deaths and injuries each year, as well as eye-watering amounts of costly damage, house fires can affect families and households in more ways than one.
With that stark warning out of the way, we?ve come up with five things you can do to reduce the risk of fires in the home during the summer months, read on to find out what they are;
1 ? Test any fire alarms
We’re not just saying that because of who we are, it’s absolutely paramount to have a working and recently tested fire alarm.
One in three home smoke detectors fail to alert the homeowners in the event of a fire, mainly because of battery issues.
We only use the latest fire detection technology with our fire alarms, as well as providing 24/7 aftercare to protect and monitor your home.
2 – Keep the BBQ supervised at all times
Who doesn’t love sitting out in the garden and devouringsome tasty barbecued products? Cooking is the leading cause of house fires and this only heightens once it moves outdoors.
Make sure your BBQ is positioned away from anything that is flammable and secured on a flat area so it has no chance of tipping over.
Try and wipe down the grill after use (once cooled down) as any excess fat and oil leftover will heat up again the next time you use it.
Keeping it supervised will allow you to keep on top of the cooking, and stop any potential hazards in their tracks.
3 ? Don’t forget the candles
Scented candles, candles for when the nights are long but start to dim, whatever they might be used for, there’s no denying they look great.
But they could become a hidden killer if they’re left flickering overnight.
The heat outside may cause drowsiness, and falling asleep becomes a lot easier than when the temperature outside is freezing.
If you feel yourself nodding off at any point, or know you?ll be going to sleep quite soon, make sure you blow out all of the candles.
That way there’s no chance of anything catching fire, either from the open flame, or from the hot wax spilling over.
4 ? Unplug power devices if not using them
We?ve probably all been guilty of it, but chargers are designed to charge up until 100% and no more. Not only will it slowly diminish the lifetime of your devices battery, but it raises a potential fire hazard when left on overnight.
Try to go to sleep with your phone almost fully charged, rather than letting it charge through the night. Most official device chargers should switch themselves off once full, but unofficial and fake products will continue to supply power through the current long after the charge has hit 100%.
You?ll hear some horror stories of power bars too, so it’s best to only charge them when you’re watching over them or at least keep a fairly constant eye on.
5 ? Keep a clutter free kitchen
Rising temperatures and hot kitchens are definitely one to watch out for. Most fires occur in the kitchen, be it the oven, stove, toaster or any other appliances like the washing machine and dishwasher.
If you make sure the worktops are clear, and check the usual precautions before and after using appliances then it will dramatically reduce the risk.
Make sure nothing is left on the hobs, on top of the microwave or anywhere that can give off heat, and try to keep the windows open when cooking to increase ventilation.
Hopefully the above tips have helped you learn a little bit more about the risk of fires in the home and how you can prevent them.
If you need to install a fire alarm either at home or in business, you can get a from us in no time, simply call us on 0151 423 5154 more email us on and we can arrange a time suitable to get a fire alarm installed.
Filed under: Alarms & CCTV Systems
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